1. Biasakan speed test dulu, sebelum gunakan zoom atau livestreaming, Cocokkan dengan langganan. Misal indihome 10 Mbps, Dapatnya Download -+10Mbps, Upload -+ 2Mbps 2. Cek jumlah device yg terkoneksi ke jaringan. akan lebih bagus jika punya alat pengatur bandwidth. 3. Cek penggunaan internet, adakah yg download atau upload. pastikan PC yg digunakan tidak update OS atau aplikasi. 4. Cek penggunaan aplikasi di PC, pastikan Prosesor n RAM masih bisa bernafas lega, jangan2 sudah 90 sd 100% terpakai. Oh ya penting mengecek spek PC, zoom dan live streaming itu butuh resource besar. kalo komputer’e lemot, dipakai zoom n live
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Archives for Live streaming
Install Nginx dan Perintah Penting
Install Nginx sudo apt update sudo apt install nginx Perintah-perintah penting NginX //Status systemctl status nginx //To stop your web server, type: sudo systemctl stop nginx //To start the web server when it is stopped, type: sudo systemctl start nginx //To stop and then start the service again, type: sudo systemctl restart nginx //If you are simply making configuration changes, Nginx can often reload without dropping connections. To do this, type: sudo systemctl reload nginx //By default, Nginx is configured to start automatically when the server boots. If this is not what you want, you can disable this behavior by
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Cara Install “nano” pada Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
Saya menggunakan VPS dengan OS Ubuntu 18.04. Jika editor nano belum ada maka perlu di install dulu. Tahap 1 sudo apt-get update -y Tahap 2 sudo apt-get install -y nano
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Tahapan Membuat Server Multistreaming Facebook Youtube
Menyiapkan VPS atau VM – OS Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (Bionic Beaver) Install Nginx Install RTMP Modul Cek Server Setting Live Streaming Youtube Setting Live Streaming Facebook
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